

Flora Organic Wheat Grass Powder

$ 24.99


Flora Organic Wheat Grass Powder

$ 24.99

  • Wheatgrass Benefits

    1. Wheatgrass is consumed to improve the hemoglobin concentration of blood as it is rich in healthy nutrients and enzymes. It reduces the inflammation, bleeding tendency and physical pain syndromes. Since wheatgrass contain high concentration of chlorophyll, the oxygen absorbing and retaining capacity of your blood increases that helps in managing the symptoms of anemia.


    1. When consumed in optimal doses, it helps in the detoxification of liver and blood to eliminate and excrete chemicals, toxins and endogenous waste products that are produced as a result of metabolic processes.


    1. It is also used to prevent the physical signs of aging like graying of hair due to high concentration of vitamin C and other anti-oxidants. In addition, wheatgrass is also helpful in relieving dandruff and repair of damaged hair.


    1. The high anti-oxidant concentration and effect on bodily enzymes is helpful in improving the urinary tract infections and other disorders like renal stones, infection of prostate or even benign prostate hypertrophy.


    1. Wheatgrass is often consumed by individuals to cleanse skin and detoxify blood to relieve acne. It has proven efficacy in delaying the aging signs of skin (sagging of skin, wrinkling or appearance of eye- bags) with its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


    1. Human body is exposed to a lot of carcinogens or chemicals/toxins that tend to alter the genetic make-up of the cells. Consuming moderate amounts of wheatgrass is helpful in neutralizing the chemicals that may lead to cancer. If you are exposed to second-hand or third-had smoking (or you are an active smoker or alcoholic or are exposed to other chemicals), you must consider taking wheatgrass on regular basis.


    1. The high quality nutrients like vitamins and minerals exert health promoting effects in the women who have abnormal cycles due to weakness or malnutrition. In addition, regular supplementation helps in detoxification of the body and removal of hormonal breakdown products that may affect fertility and reproductive capacity.


    1. In addition to above listed benefits, wheatgrass is also used to treat a variety of respiratory disorders and other ailments like fever, sore-throat, arthritis, stomach and gastric discomfort and similar conditions. In addition, wheatgrass is also helpful in controlling blood pressure and thereby decrease the risk of cardiac mortality. Furthermore, wheatgrass can help with weight loss when consumed in the raw, dehydrated form.


    -This information has been taken from Med-Health.net, health news    written by medical doctors


100% Organic wheat grass powder.

Consume 1-3 teaspoons per day. Mix in water, vegetable juice, or any not-citrus juice.
Keep out of reach of children.

    Available as:

    • 225 g powder


    Nutrition Facts

    Serving Size 7 tablets (3.5 g)



    Calories 15

       Calories from fat 0


    Fats 0 g

    0 %

       Saturates 0 g

       + Trans 0 g

    0 %



           Omega-6 0 g


           Omega-3 0 g


      Monounsaturated 0 g


    Cholesterol 0 mg


    Sodium 1 mg

    1 %

    Potassium 105 mg

    3 %

    Carbohydrate 2 g

    1 %

       Fibre 1 g

    4 %

       Sugars 0 g


    Protein 1 g


    Vitamin A

    45 %

    Vitamin C

    10 %


    2 %


    8 %

    Vitamin E

    4 %

    Vitamin K

    45 %


    2 %


    15 %


    0 %

    Vitamin B6

    2 %


    15 %

    Vitamin B12

    2 %


    15 %


    2 %


    2 %


    4 %


    2 %


    2 %


    6 %


    2 %


    10 %