
Giddy Yoyo

Giddy Yoyo Raw Chaga

$ 18.69

Giddy Yoyo Raw Chaga|Giddy YoYo Chaga Crue
Giddy Yoyo Raw Chaga|Giddy YoYo Chaga Crue

Giddy Yoyo

Giddy Yoyo Raw Chaga

$ 18.69

Giddy Yoyo chaga arrives to you cut up into chunks in “Tea Cut” form. This raw alkaline wild crafted mushroom from Canada’s North is ready for you to decoct ideally with some warm spring water…creating a nutrient-packed cup of longevity and health!

All Medicinal Mushrooms may be rich in polysaccharides and super immune enhancing components. They may contain dozens of compounds that help boost the immune system and detoxify the body of certain synthetic chemicals such as bisphenol-A (BPA) found in plastics. Giddy Yoyo chaga may also contain the highest amount of anti-tumor, anti-mutagenic compounds of any medicinal mushroom known, especially in the form of betulinic acid.

Giddy Yoyo chaga may be a powerful antioxidant extremely high in vital phytochemicals, nutrients, and free-radical scavenging antioxidants, especially melanin. It may also contain copious amounts of connective tissue building, joint-healing, and skin rejuvenating glucan molecules known as beta glucans.

 Ingesting chaga tea may:

  • Protect cell components against free radicals and DNA degradation.
  • Increase longevity by slowing the aging process.
  • Improve the blood.
  • Nourish skin and hair through its melanin compounds.
  • Improve digestion, relieving digestive distress and Candida.
  • Treat chronic fatigue syndrome, flu, and HIV.
  • Inhibit cell mutations associated with Cancer.
  • Fight cancerous tumors
  • Combat hepatitis, ulcers, diabetes, and gastritis.
  • Fight inflammation and inflammatory disease such as Shingles.
  • Knock out the common cold and fighting viruses.
  • Detoxify the liver.

Ingredients: 100% Raw Wild Canadian CHAGA, hand-picked air-dried and crushed.

Suggested Usage:

Use 4 tablespoons of chaga for 1 liter(about a quart) of water; simmer for a minimum of 15 minutes to make a tonic or up to 2 hours to make a concentrate (remember to add water when necessary). You can brew your chaga up to 3 times or until the dark pigments are no longer released into the water. Store used chaga in the freezer in between batches. For variety add vanilla bean powder, cinnamon, fresh ginger or other sweet and earthly spices to the brew. Add a spoonful of coconut oil before drinking.