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New Roots Herbal
Pau d’Arco Taheebo
$ 22.28
New Roots Herbal
Pau d’Arco Taheebo
$ 22.28
Pau D'arco has been found to have antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic and antifungal properties, including anti-candida, anticancerous and antitumor properties. Bulk powdered form.
Pau d’arco has been deeply prized by many of the indigenous tribes of South America. They were well aware of Pau d’arco’s numerous health benefits and used it for just about every health problem. Perhaps, pau d’arco’s most impressive use may be its reputation for fighting cancer. Since 1960, medical doctors in South America, at the Santo Andre hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, have used pau d’arco to treat terminally ill cancer patients. Well known herbalists report that pau d’arco cures leukemia and reduces pain in cancer patients. It also increases blood cell counts, enabling it to fight many illnesses.
Pau d’arco uses are many. It is also used to treat ulcers, diabetes, rheumatism, ring worm, bronchitis and other respiratory problems, gonorrhea, hemorrhages, cystitis, colitis, gastritis, Parkinson’s, arteriosclerosis, Hodgkin’s, lupus, polyps, prostatis, leucorrhea, candidiasis, endometriosis, fibroids, cysts, growths and tumors, anemia and inflammation of the urinary tract, just to mention some of this incredible herb’s uses.
Its anticancerous properties were first attributed to a phytochemical found in the bark and wood, called lapachol. In a 1968 study, lapachol demonstrated highly significant activity against cancerous tumors in rats. Another research group developed a lapachol analog in 1975, which was effective in increasing the life span by over 80% in mice inoculated with leukemic cells. In a small study in 1980 with nine patients with various cancers (liver, kidney, breast, prostate and cervix), pure lapachol demonstrated an ability to shrink tumors and achieved complete remissions in three of the patients.
Pau d’arco is known to eliminate toxins in the body and purify the blood. In an original weight loss research study performed in Chicago in 1992, women’s chronic yeast infections cleared up promptly when pau d’arco was added to the formula. Pau d’arco also has anti-inflammatory characteristics, making it useful in the treatment of arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
The safest and best part of the herb to use is the whole inner bark, brewed as a tea.
Combine 3 tablespoons of tea with 1 litre/quart of water. Boil for five minutes then let simmer for 20 minutes. Thereafter, drink as a tea. Use purified water only.
Each bag contains: 454g of Pau d'arco Taheebo (inner bark) (Tabebuia Heptaphylla) |
harvested in an ecologically-friendly manner, only in a high altitude mountain region. |
100% wild crafted. |
Keep out of reach of children.
454 g / 1 lb