

Solar Raw Food™ Ultimate Kale Chips -Hemp Cream & Chive

$ 7.99


Solar Raw Food™ Ultimate Kale Chips -Hemp Cream & Chive

$ 7.99

Hemp Cream & Chive! Kale dressed in a creamy chive flavour – made with hemp!

Chip lovers will take delight in this mouth-watering savoury kale chip.

Ingredients: Organic kale, organic pre-soaked cashews, organic lemon juice, organic hemp seeds, organic coconut sweetener, nutritional yeast, organic chives, organic apple cider vinegar, Himalayan salt.

• Family owned and operated

• Powered with solar energy

• Organic kale • Canadian farm

• Seasoned on site

Solar Raw Food™ is committed to providing the highest quality Raw Food products in the most responsible manner.

Their kale is grown organically, and seasoned on site with only the freshest raw ingredients.

Located on their Canadian family farm, their kale chip facility operates on the sustainable power of photovoltaics Solar Energy. We are proud to offer you this sustainably, organically, and honestly grown product.

Kale is an excellent source of essential nutrients and vitamins, including vitamin A, C, B6, manganese, dietary fiber, calcium, copper and potassium. In addition to this combination of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, Kale is also highly alkaline – an impressive superfood.

100g / 3,5oz bags