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$ 9.90
Red Fife is a heritage variety of wheat introduced to Otonobee Township, east of Peterborough, Ontario in the 1840s by David Alexander Fife, who came from Scotland. This sturdy early maturing wheat, prized for its ability to resist rust and the superior quality of the flour, is credited with producing the boom in wheat production, which occurred across Canada and the U.S. during the nineteenth century.
Our organic stone ground Red Fife flour is available in 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) bags
Organically certified, grown and harvested on CIPM Farms, Stirling,Ontario.
CIPM Organic Stone-Ground Buckwheat Flour
$ 9.90
Despite its name, buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) is not a cereal grain, but rather a fruit or nut. Buckwheat is a broad leaf plant that grows well under a wide range of soil conditions. Although it adapts best to well-drained sandy loam soil, it is often grown on heavier soils when seeding of the major cereals and oilseeds has been prevented by wet conditions. The root system of buckwheat is less extensive than that of a true cereal grain plant. Buckwheat requires less nitrogen than cereal crops and is very efficient in removing phosphorus from the soil for its own needs.
Our organic stone-ground buckwheat flour comes from CIPM Farms which is a certified organic cash crop operation, growing about 350 acres of cereals and other grains each year. The farm is located in the Spry Settlement, north of Stirling, Ontario and consists of 56 rolling fields surrounded by forest. The sandy soils are quick to warm up in the spring and are ideally suited to cereal production. Organic farming procedure requires rotation of crops and the CIPM rotation includes spelt, spring wheat, buckwheat, soybeans, rye, flax, hemp and oats. All cereals are underseeded with red clover to fix nitrogen for the following crop.
Our organic stone-ground buckwheat flour is available in 2.0 kg (4.4 lbs) bags.
CIPM Organic Stone-Ground Rye Flour
$ 9.90
This organic stone-ground rye flour comes from CIPM Farms which is a certified organic cash crop operation, growing about 350 acres of cereals and other grains each year. The farm is located in the Spry Settlement, north of Stirling,Ontario and consists of 56 rolling fields surrounded by forest. The sandy soils are quick to warm up in the spring and are ideally suited to cereal production. Organic farming procedure requires rotation of crops and the CIPM rotation includes spelt, spring wheat, buckwheat, soybeans, rye, flax, hemp and oats. All cereals are underseeded with red clover to fix nitrogen for the following crop.
Our organic stone-ground rye flour is available in 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) bags
CIPM Organic Stone-Ground Whole Wheat Flour
$ 9.90
This organic stone-ground whole wheat flour comes from CIPM Farms which is a certified organic cash crop operation, growing about 350 acres of cereals and other grains each year. The farm is located in the Spry Settlement, north of Stirling,Ontario and consists of 56 rolling fields surrounded by forest. The sandy soils are quick to warm up in the spring and are ideally suited to cereal production. Organic farming procedure requires rotation of crops and the CIPM rotation includes spelt, spring wheat, buckwheat, soybeans, rye, flax, hemp and oats. All cereals are underseeded with red clover to fix nitrogen for the following crop.
Our organic stone-ground whole wheat flour is available in 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) bags.
CIPM Organic Whole Grain Spelt Flour
$ 9.90
Spelt is an ancient grain, with its origins around 5,000 B.C. Spelt is one of the oldest cultivated grains that has lately made a comeback in North America, even though it has been popular through the decades in many European countries. Spelt is a non-hybrid distant relative to present day wheat. Spelt's uniqueness is derived from its genetic makeup and nutrition profile. Spelt has high water solubility, so nutrients are easily absorbed by the body making it easy to digest. It is high in protein (significantly higher than wheat), higher in B complex vitamins, and spelt is high in both simple and complex carbohydrates. These complex carbohydrates are an important factor in blood clotting and stimulating the body's immune system. Spelt is a suberb fiber resource. Spelt's nutty flavor doesn't just taste good, it has so many other nutritional benefits that are amazingly good for you!
Our organic stone ground spelt whole flour is available in 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) bags
Organically certified, grown and harvested on CIPM Farms, Stirling,Ontario.
L'épeautre (Triticum spelta), appelé aussi « blé des Gaulois » est une céréale dont la culture remonte à plus de 5000 ans, ce qui en fait l'un des plus anciens grains cultivés. L'épeautre est de la famille des poacées, proche du blé, mais vêtue (le grain reste couvert de sa balle lors de la récolte).
C’est un blé d'automne rustique tolérant les hivers rigoureux, dont la culture n’exige pas de pesticides comme les blés modernes.
L’épeautre est aussi appelé « grand épeautre » par opposition au « petit épeautre » ou engrain, autre espèce de céréale rustique du genre Triticum.
L’épeautre constitue un excellent substitut du blé. Dès l'an 1098, l'illustre Hildegard von Bingen, intellectuelle, artiste, mystique et guérisseuse médiévale écrit : « L’épeautre est le meilleur des grains. Il est riche, nourrissant et plus doux que les autres grains. Il renforce le corps et purifie le sang de ceux qui en consomment, et rend l’esprit de l’homme léger et d’humeur allègre. »
Bien qu'étant de la famille du blé, ses aminoacides sont pourtant différents et plus facilement assimilables par le corps. Le gluten qu’il contient est plus digeste. Les personnes sensibles ou allergiques au blé peuvent le remplacer avantageusement par l'épeautre dans leur alimentation. L’épeautre est riche en protéines, vitamines B, fer et riboflavine. Grâce à sa forte teneur en magnésium, il est considéré comme un très bon aliment anti-stress. Aujourd’hui, les vertus de l’épeautre sont connues et reconnues, notamment via l’agriculture biologique, et la céréale réapparaît dans l’alimentation courante sous la forme de deux variétés principales : le grand épeautre et le petit épeautre. On peut l’incorporer aux pains, aux produits cuits et aux céréales.
L'épeautre contient quatre fois plus de magnésium que le blé, du calcium, du phosphore, des vitamines B1 et B9. Il est également riche en protéines – jusqu'à 15%–, notamment en acides aminés essentiels et en fibres. Il est très digeste.
Pour les personnes qui souffrent d'acide urique, consommer du pain d'épeautre a tendance à alcaliniser les urines, à la différence du pain de blé qui acidifie plutôt. Le pain à l'épeautre est conseillé par certains médecins pour les personnes souffrant d'arthrose.
Notre farine d'épeautre entière est moulue à la pierre est disponible en sacs de 2.5 kg (5.5 lb)
Des fermes CIPM
Cultivé en Ontario est certifié biologique
$ 6.75
Prana Organic Black Chia Whole Seeds
$ 9.90
Ancient superfood of the Aztecs, chia’s important source of amino acids are an excellent addition to raw and vegetarian diets.
Two tablespoons are all you need to get your daily dose of Omega 3s!
The Chia seed also known as Salva hispanica, comes from the Salvia plant and is of the same family as mint (Lamiaceae). Chia is originally from Mexico's central valleys.
Cultivated by the Aztecs and Mayans, the chia seed was an integral part of their daily diet.
Chia, signifying "Strength" in Mayan, was once used in religious ceremonies and consumed before intense activities. The Aztecs believed it gave them mystical, almost supernatural energy and power.
It is not necessary to grind the chia seeds to enjoy its benefits. It is recommended that you chew your food thoroughly to break down its nutrients.
It is incredibly easy to eat the chia seed! Combined with smoothies, cereal and yogourt, chia seed’s soaking action enables it to produce chlorophyll and thus providing a higher nutrient content. Liquids also enable the seed to bind all the ingredients together.
Try it in salad dressings, muffins, soups, salads, sauces and so much more. The taste of chia seed is very light so you can incorporate it into your meals without altering the taste of your dish.
Excellent thickening agent, chia seeds are excellent when added to your soups, pie crusts and breads. Chia seeds can also be used to replace eggs in recipes by incorporating 1 tablespoon of chia for each egg. For best results, use of ground chia seeds.
NOTE : It is best to soak 1 tbsp of chia seeds in 3 tbsps of water for approximately 30 minutes before using it in your recipes, more specifically breads and muffins.
Can be preserved in a cool, dry cupboard protected from light and humidity for up to 24 months.